

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Countryside. Part 4. Horses...continues

Yakutian horses are quite small. Length of the withers reaches not more than 135 centimeters... Neck and legs are short, mane and tail are lush( We make ''Deybir'' from them which we use for brush aside the mosquitoes...) Body is long and massive with broad shoulders...The colors of them are usually pastel...

My cousins with 'deybirs' in their hands which they use for brushing aside mosquitoes ...

Yakutian horse survives in extreme conditions because of its biological particular qualities of reduction of energy consumption for the maintenance of vital activity in winter :

1) Thickening of the skin
2) deposition of a thick layer of fat
3) lengthening and thickening of hair and wool

For the searching of food in winter the dig snow by their front hooves... The horse which digs first  is the strongest one... Deep snow is uncomfortable so finding food is exhausting...

Today we have visited productional farming "Pobeda", which is 10 km far from the village... The workers are Basnaev Egor, Basnaev Alexandr, Pavlov Ivan. There are 286 horses in the farm :
201 mares
27 stallions 
45 young horses (under 2 years)
13 courser
Every herd is consist of one stallion and about 9-16 mares...

On late autumn there was a thaw after that rain came then suddenly got much colder so the ground was covered with a crust of ice...Snow fell...And it is very hard for horses to get to soft grass because of ice crust...So workers had to feed them with hay and oat, especially pregnant mares...On the good year  70% mares give birth to foals...On bad years such as this only 50%...

The workers feed their horses...

This mare suffered a miscarriage 

Rest with cups of tea...

 The life of yakut is unreal to be imagined without horse... Yakutia has a huge territory...Horse can get through place where either car or tractor can't...

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